An Insurance Claim for the Titanic, Up For Sale?

She carried 2,224 passengers and crew, but had lifeboats for only 1,178 of those people. More than 1,500 people died when the Titanic sunk to the bottom of the icy Atlantic Ocean.
Yet another fascinating tale of an outlandish insurance claim that proves to be true. Yes there was insurance taken out on the Titanic. At that time, it was a very prestigious voyage to be insuring and many of the big name insurer's such as Lloyd's of London wanted to have their name on the insurance policy.
Then disaster happens, and as the ship sinks the second, third, fourth, and fifth officers miraculously survive the ordeal. Just a few days later the second officer fills out the required insurance paper work (a four page document) signed by all the other officers.
The plan worked. Only thirty days later they had been paid out over $5 million. What good timing that was! They paid out that money before finding out about all the mistakes that lead to the demise of the Titanic.
The insurance claim (which is considered a precious artifact by now) has been sold several times now and a couple weeks ago it was up for auction in London once again.
There's something about the Titanic story that always captivates people. Maybe it's the classic tale of being too big to fail, or maybe because it was one of the most devastating Ocean disasters of our time. Either way, the mysticism around the fateful voyage will live on through time.
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