Buyer Beware! - Flood Damaged Vehicles

When you go to buy a used car, we all know the standard "kick the tires, check under the hood" routine. Here is one more thing to add to your list to look out for....Flood damage.
In Saskatchewan, when you pay for your plates, you automatically get flood coverage. The catch is that the damage has to be measurable. Meaning after you have cleaned out the water and muck, is it still able to be driven? The problem lies in the fact that some of the damage will not show up until later. Water can cause severe electrical and structural damage to a vehicle, as well as corrode other mechnical parts of your car.
Since some of the flood damage could take weeks or even months to show up, the owners will try and sell their cars, and not divulge that car was in a flood. It is not easy to tell if there was or will be any damage to the vehicle, but just a word to the wise, flood damaged vehicles CANNOT be registered in Saskatchewan.
The moral of the story is "Buyer Beware". Here are a couple hints that might help: