
In my attempt to find insurance articles for this blog, I have come across some pretty intersting facts/claims/statistics. I have decided that I will start sharing these facts/claims/statistics with you.
The first involves piracy, Yes Pirates! (Arghhhh!)
Did you know that as of September 2012, pirates have cost ship owners and charters $9 Billion?! And taken approximately 625 crew members hostage? In fact, there is going to be movie based on one of the most infamous HI-jackings, starring Tom Hanks, called Captain Phillips.
Somalian pirates ususally have a "mother ship" that they report to, but usually they are on their own boats with massive weapons and patrol the waters 150 miles off of South Africa and Pakastani waters, as well as 250 miles of India.
These particular pirates have been initiating more attacks. As of September 2012 there had been 199 attacks, but of those 199 only 24 have actully been successful. Which is actaully down from the previous year. In 2011, the pirates had a 28% success rate, which has been significantly lowered to 12% in 2012.
Who would have guessed that pirates were just as real today as they were in that past? It kinda makes we want to rethink my daughters Halloween costume!
Want to learn more? Here's an article from Bloomberg from last here on the true Cost of Pirates.