SGI to Implement Traffic Safety Changes Starting June 27

Photo radar has only been allowed in Saskatchewan in highway construction zones, but that changes on June 27 this summer. A new series of rules are being applied with hopes to strengthen traffic enforcement within the province.
The exact date has not been given, but the photo radar will arrive this summer. It will be installed on the Ring Road in Regina, Circle Drive in Saskatoon, and at the intersection of Highway 1 and Ninth Avenue in Moose Jaw.
For a short period of time warning letters will be mailed out to people caught speeding. After that speeders will be ticketed for the two-year enforcement period in order to deter those tempted to drive at excessive speeds. The length of the warning period will not be specified so be aware that tickets could start coming at any time. There is a chance that you will be ticketed before getting a warning letter.
Other big changes coming on June 27th include:
- Mandatory installation of ignition interlock systems for anyone convicted of DUI (at the driver’s expense). The system will be installed for between nine months and five years, depending on the number of offences on the driver’s record. Nine months is the minimum upon a first offence.
- Drivers caught for a second time within a year on their cellphone while driving will have their vehicles impounded for up to seven days.
- The consequences for drivers exceeding the speed limit by more than 50 km/h will be in place for drivers exceeding by 35 km/h.
- Booster seats will be mandatory for children under the age of seven, less than 4’9” in height and lighter than 36 kg (approximately 80 lbs.)
New rules for motorcycle safety are also coming into play this summer.
For more information visit SGI’s website here.