Think Women Are Bad Drivers? Think Again...

There is one question that always seems to cause an argument, Who are better drivers, men or women? It seems we finally have an answer. As the article points out, women seem to be the better drivers. Data doesn't lie! Though I dare you to quote one of these studies at the next cocktail party. I am sure it will go over real well with the fellas in the room.
One recent study was conducted by Carrentals in the United Kingdom, which involved over 700 people over the age of 18. The respondents were asked to identify common road signs and answer questions about their driving experience.
The results were...
The findings show that 57 percent of male drivers, who were questioned, had one or more accidents, compared to the 44 percent of female drivers. Furthermore, nearly double the number of men had both points on their driving license and had been caught speeding, compared to the number of women.
See the results for yourself!