Would You Be Prepared For....?

Many of us like to think that in an emergency we would know what to do, and many of us might. But what about being prepared for an emergency. Now I am not talking about Doomsday Preparation or stock piling for the zombie apocolypse (yet), I am simply stating that in the event that mother nature decides to hand out a butt kicking, would you be ready?
Many websites call these kits "72-hour kits" because that is how long you should be prepared for. You will find many websites that are vague when it comes to their list and other websites that are crazy long. I have done my own research and tried to make up my own list that I felt was complete without feeling like I was packing everything plus the kitchen sink.
Here are a few items that I felt were excellent ideas:
These items are just a start, but a good start. Every family is different and has different needs, for example, what if you have a pet?

Here's a link to show you an example of what a "72-hour home kit" looks like and it also has more details about getting your kit ready.